Charity number: 1173199


Overview of the state of eye health in Zambia

Eye health is a significant public health concern in Zambia. The country has one of the highest rates of blindness and visual impairment in the world, with an estimated 1.2 million people affected. The prevalence of blindness in Zambia is 4.5%, which is significantly higher than the global average of 1%.

The main causes of blindness and visual impairment in Zambia are cataracts, glaucoma, and trachoma. Cataracts, which are the clouding of the eye’s natural lens, account for approximately 43% of all cases of blindness in Zambia. Glaucoma, which is a progressive disease that damages the optic nerve, accounts for approximately 16% of all cases of blindness. Trachoma, which is a bacterial infection that causes scarring of the eyelid, is a leading cause of preventable blindness in Zambia.

Several factors contribute to the high rates of blindness and visual impairment in Zambia. These include a lack of access to eye care services, limited resources for eye health, and a shortage of
trained eye care professionals. Poverty, limited education, and cultural beliefs and practices also contribute to the prevalence of eye diseases in Zambia.

Eyecare for Zambia is committed to improving the state of eye health in Zambia by providing access to high-quality eye care services, training local eye care professionals, and raising awareness about the importance of eye health. Through our work, we aim to reduce the incidence of preventable blindness and visual impairment in Zambia and empower individuals and communities to take charge of their eye health.

Challenges preventing Zambians from accessing proper eye care

Access to quality eye care services is a major challenge for many Zambians. There are several factors that prevent individuals from accessing proper eye care, including:

Limited resources

Zambia has limited resources for eye health, with few hospitals and clinics providing eye care services. This makes it difficult for individuals living in rural areas to access eye care services.

Shortage of trained eye care professionals

Zambia has a shortage of trained eye care professionals, including ophthalmologists, optometrists, and ophthalmic nurses. This shortage makes it difficult for individuals to access quality eye care services.

Limited education

A lack of education about eye health and eye diseases prevents individuals from seeking proper eye care. Many individuals are not aware of the signs and symptoms of eye diseases and may not know that treatment is available.

Cultural beliefs and practices

Cultural beliefs and practices can also prevent individuals from seeking proper eye care. For example, some individuals may believe that eye diseases are caused by witchcraft or curses, and may seek traditional healers rather than medical professionals.


Poverty is a major barrier to accessing proper eye care services in Zambia. Many individuals cannot afford to pay for eye exams, medications, or surgeries.

Eyecare for Zambia is working to address these challenges by providing access to quality eye care services, training local eye care professionals, and raising awareness about the importance of eye health. Through our work, we aim to break down barriers to accessing eye care and empower individuals and communities to take charge of their eye health.

Projects and achievements

Eyecare for Zambia has been providing eye care services to underserved communities in Zambia since its inception in 2016. Over the years, we have completed several successful projects and achieved significant milestones in our mission to improve eye health in Zambia.

Here are some of our projects and achievements:

Year Achievements
worked at Ndola Central Hospital and Kabundi clinic in Chingola (Zambia) and saw over 800 patients in eight days.
Ndola Central Hospital and University Teaching hospital (Lusaka – Zambia) treated 0ver 600 patients in ten days.
Lusaka and Chilanga (Zambia) screened and attended to 900 patients.
Virtual Trainings (Covid Pandemic)
ECFZ donated a cataract phaco machine to Ndola Central Hospital (Zambia)
ECFZ team worked at Levy Mwanawasa Teaching hospital and attended to 284 patients in four days.

Community Eye Health Programs

Eyecare for Zambia has conducted several community eye health programs across Zambia, providing eye screening, diagnosis, and treatment services to thousands of underserved individuals. We have partnered with local organizations, schools, and churches to reach out to the most vulnerable communities and provide them with access to eye care services as outlined above.

Eye Surgery Camps

In partnership with local hospitals, Eyecare for Zambia has conducted several eye surgery camps in Zambia. These camps provide free eye surgeries to patients suffering from cataracts, glaucoma, and other eye diseases. The surgeries are performed by qualified eye surgeons, including our founder, Dr. Ramesh Sivaraj.

Distribution of Eyeglasses

Eyecare for Zambia has distributed thousands of eyeglasses to individuals in need across Zambia. Our team conducts eye screenings and prescribes eyeglasses to those in need. We also provide training on how to properly use and care for eyeglasses to ensure long-term benefits.

Training of Local Eye Care Professionals

We believe that building local capacity is essential for sustainable eye care services in Zambia. As such, Eyecare for Zambia has trained several local eye care professionals, including optometrists and ophthalmic nurses. These professionals are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to provide quality eye care services to their communities.

Our plans for the future

We aim to accomplish our goals by undertaking the following activities and aims:

Provide skilled personnel such as eye doctors and surgeons and optometrists.

Provide facilities and equipment for eyecare services such as eye operations, diagnosis and treatment.

Promote eyecare education in the communities with the help of lecturers, and facilitators, both face to face and via online.

Eyecare for Zambia intends to set up an multi-purpose eye centres in Zambia starting with Isaachar centre in Northwestern Province of Zambia.

Provide training to Zambian eye care workers.

Provide instrumentation and glasses.

Thanks to our dedicated team of volunteers and supporters, Eyecare for Zambia has achieved significant milestones in our mission to improve eye health in Zambia. We are committed to continuing our work and making a lasting impact on the lives of underserved communities in Zambia.


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